ภูเขาไฟ ที่กำลังปะทุ !!!!!!!!!!!

ในห้อง 'ภัยพิบัติและการเตรียมการ' ตั้งกระทู้โดย Falkman, 27 มกราคม 2007.

  1. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    วันที่ 6 กันยายน เกิดพายุสุริยะขนาดใหญ่ มีทิศทางการระเบิดรอบด้าน และมาด้านเดียวกับโลก ซึ่งทำให้โลกมีความเสี่ยงต่อภัยพิบัติสูง ทั้งเรื่องแผ่นดินไหวเกิน 6.5 ริตเตอร์ ภูเขาไฟระเบิด และน้ำท่วมฉับพลัน ระหว่างวันที่ 9-11 กันยายน โดยคราวๆ คาดว่าพี้นที่เสื่ยงภัยเป็นพิเศษคาดว่าอยู่ในบริเวณเอเซียตะวันออกกลาง หรือ แอฟริกา ลองลงมาจะเป็นทวีปอเมริกาเหนือ


    วันที่ 7 กันยายน เกิดเหตุพายุสุริยะขนาดใหญ่ ซึ่งมีพลังงานบางส่วนมาที่โลก คาดว่าจะส่งผลกระทบต่อโลกในรูปแบบชองภัยพิบัติ ความน่าจะเป็นที่จะเกิดแผ่นดินไหวขนาด เกิน 6.6-8.2 ริตเตอร์มีมากกว่า 90 % ในระหว่างวันที่ <strike>9-11</strike> 10-12 กันยายน โดยที่ค่ากลางอยู่ในวันที่ 10 กันยายน ส่วนพื้นที่ๆได้รับผลกระทบนั้นจะทำการคำนวณภายหลังเมื่อได้รับข้อมูลพายุ สุริยะที่ละเอียดกว่านี้
    <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="200"> <tbody><tr> <td class="rtecenter">[​IMG]</td> <td class="rtecenter">[​IMG]</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> update 8 กันยายน พลังงานจากการระเบิดครั้งใหญ่ที่ดวงอาทิตย์ในวันที่ 7 กันยายน คาดว่า

    ค่ากลางของพลังงานนี้จะมาถึงโลกในวันที่ 10 กันยายน ประมาณ 11 UTC +/- 6 ชั่วโมง
    ค่ากลาง --> วันเสาร์ที่ 10 กันยายน ประมาณ 18.00 น. (ระหว่าง เที่ยงวัน - เที่ยงคืน)

    โดยที่มวลหลักจะมาถึงในวันที่ 11 กันยายน เวลาประมาณ 16 UTC
    โดยที่มวลหลัก--> มาถึง อาทิตย์ที่ 11 กันยายน เวลาประมาณ 22.00 น.(ระหว่าง 16.00 น. ถึงตีห้าของเช้าวันจันทร์ที่ 12)

    ส่วนพลังงานในแนวหน้าอาจจะมาถึงในวันที่ 9 กันยายน เวลา 18 UTC
    พลังงานในแนวหน้า--> คืนวันศุกร์ที่ 9 กันยายน เวลาเที่ยงคืน


    พี้นที่เสี่ยงภัยได้แก่ประเทศในมหาสมุทรแปซิฟิกบริเวณ Longitude ที่ 150 องศา สามารถดูลิงค์การจำลองทิศทางการระเบิดครั้งที่นี้

    วันที่ 8 กันยายน เวลา 0 UTC เกิดเหตุระเบิดอย่างรุนแรงอีกครั้งที่ดวงอาทิตย์ซึ่งมีทิศทางมาที่โลกเช่น กัน ซึ่งจะส่งผลกระทบกับโลกเช่นเดียวกับที่กล่าวมาข้างต้น

    จับตาการเรียงตัวของดาวเคราะห์ช่วงวันที่ 26 สิงหาคม - 15 กันยายน คศ 2011 : update 8 กันยายน 1:49 UTC | Truth4Thai.org
  2. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    Halmahera, Indonesia: Ash cloud 800 meter high at Dukono volcano

    Armand Vervaeck
    Earthquake Report
    Wed, 07 Sep 2011 10:28 CDT

    Dukono volcano (North Halmahera regency, Indonesia) activity increased on September 6, 2011 in sending volcanic ash clouds as high as 800 meters in the sky. The capital town of the Halmahera regency lies at the port of Tobelo, approx. 15 km from the volcano (population approx. 15,000). Residents were asked to evacuate at least about two kilometers from the foot of the volcano.

    The volcano observation post at Mount Dukono, told the press that dozens of volcanic earthquakes occurred every day.
    The eruption can be seen from Ternate, and island and biggest city in the area (has also an airport).

    The volcano is currently in PVMBG Alert status III (local sources) although the official PVMBG site is still showing a II alert status (alert status range from 1 to IV). North Halmehara is part of the province of North Maluku (Moluccas)

    Dukono, Halmahera, Indonesia - satellite map ; summit elev. 1335 m

    Activity of the volcano as written in our report of the first half of August :
    According to a news article, activity at Dukono has continued to increase. On 11 August ash explosions were audible within a radius of about 7 km from the base of the volcano. Ash was ejected as high as 1 km above the crater, producing plumes that drifted E and S, and also approached Tobelo City (14 km ENE). Seismographs at the Dukono observation post recorded more than 100 eruption earthquakes. Based on analyses of satellite imagery, the Darwin VAAC reported that on 11 and 14 August ash plumes rose to an altitude of 3 km (10,000 ft) a.s.l. and drifted 93 km NW.

    Volcano information:

    [​IMG]© Unknown

    Reports from this remote volcano in northernmost Halmahera are rare, but Dukono has been one of Indonesia's most active volcanoes. More-or-less continuous explosive eruptions, sometimes accompanied by lava flows, occurred from 1933 until at least the mid-1990s, when routine observations were curtailed. During a major eruption in 1550, a lava flow filled in the strait between Halmahera and the north-flank cone of Gunung Mamuya. Dukono is a complex volcano presenting a broad, low profile with multiple summit peaks and overlapping craters. Malupang Wariang, 1 km SW of Dukono's summit crater complex, contains a 700 x 570 m crater that has also been active during historical time.

    ภูเขาไฟ Halmahera ที่อินโดนีเซีย ได้ปะทุเถ้าถ่านไปบนอากาศสูง 800 เมตร
  3. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    US, Alaska: Remote Alaska Volcano Resumes Dome Growth

    Associated Press
    Wed, 07 Sep 2011 10:22 CDT

    [​IMG]© Unknown

    The lava dome at a remote Alaska volcano has resumed growing, prompting officials to raise its alert level.

    The dome now fills the floor of the crater at Cleveland Volcano, 940 miles southwest of Anchorage.

    The Alaska Volcano Observatory on Tuesday raised the volcano's alert level to watch status. The threat level was dropped on Aug. 30, but raised against after a persistent thermal anomaly started Saturday. Observatory officials say in a news release that's when the lave dome likely started growing again.

    The dome was 262 feet in diameter on Aug. 30, but is now about 394 feet in diameter.

    Officials say if that continues, lava flows could start on the flanks of the volcano. The growing dome also increases the possibility - but doesn't ensure - an explosive eruption.

    ภูเขาไฟที่อาลาสก้า ส่งสัญญาณปะทุ เพิ่มระดับการเตือนภัย
  4. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006

    08.09.2011 | 11:11

    No Imminent Eruption Risk in Iceland's Volcano Katla
    There are no definite signs of an imminent eruption in the sub-glacial volcano Katla in south Iceland although regular series of minor earthquakes and increased geothermal heat indicate that the volcano is expanding. Katla remains under close observation.
    Mýrdalsjökull, which covers Katla. Photo by Páll Stefánsson.
    Scientists and the Department of Civil Protection have concluded that while there is no imminent risk of a volcanic eruption, these may be long-term indications that the volcano is preparing to erupt. However, similar events have occurred before without them leading to an eruption, Morgunbladid reports.
    “People are very calm about it. There will be a public meeting in Vík on Monday with Magnús Tumi [Gudmundsson, geophysicist],” said Kjartan Thorkelsson, chairman of the Civil Protection Committee of the counties Rangárvallasýsla and Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla.
    “The Department of Civil Protection will also meet on Monday and decide what happens next, what we take from the public meeting. We are well prepared if Katla were to erupt,” he added.
    Ingi Már Björnsson, farmer at Sudur-Foss in Mýrdalshreppur, agreed that locals are calm. “I was born and raised here and one has always dismissed talk of Katla being on the verge of erupting, though I find these circumstances a little different than before.”
    “One is a bit more conscious and has more belief that something like this could happen after the share that we’ve had here,” Björnsson added, referring to the three volcanic eruptions that have hit south Iceland in the past three years: Fimmvörduháls in March 2010, Eyjafjallajökull in April 2010 and Grímsvötn in May 2011.
    “It would be best for the agriculture and tourism industry if the eruption were to start in the autumn. The ideal time would be November when the slaughter season is behind us and all the livestock is inside. None of the highland pastures have been herded yet so it wouldn’t be good if a volcanic eruption were to start now,” Björnsson concluded.
    Sheep herding and roundup in south Iceland will begin next weekend.


    มีการสั่นไหวเล็กๆ เพิ่มขึ้น ตรงภูเขาไฟ Katla ที่ไอซ์แลนด์ แต่ยังไม่ได้เป็นผลให้ปะทุ

  5. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    Volcanic activity list - September 2011 (updating everyday)

    SEP 6 : Mount Duokono North Halmahera erupted belching volcanic ash as high as 800 meters
    SEP 6 : Indonesia’s Mount Lokon erupts four times on Tuesday
    SEP 6 : Remote Alaska volcano resumes dome building
    SEP 6 : Earthquake swarm in Krýsuvík volcano, Indonesia
    SEP 6 : Strong harmonic tremor pulse starting in Katla volcano
    SEP 6 : Seismic activity; Campi Flegrei caldera, W.Naples/Italy
    SEP 6 : Increased seismicity at Iceland's Katla has finally begun to show up in the mainstream media : Iceland volcano sees surge in seismic activity
    SEP 6 : Katla seismic activity continues - Growing harmonic tremor spike in Katla volcano

    SEP 5 : Seismic activity - Magnitude 6.6 eq struck N.W.of Toba supervolcano caldera
    SEP 5 : Earthquake swarm deep on the Reykjanes Ridge
    SEP 5 : More Seismic Activity by Katla Volcano than Usual
    SEP 4 : New harmonic tremors spikes in Katla volcano
    SEP 3 : Indonesia - Increased activity at 22 volcanoes, alert raised
    SEP 3 : Another earthquake swarm in Katla volcano, 3rd swarm in 6 days
    SEP 3 : Inflation starts in Katla volcano
    SEP 3 : Indonesia, Ranakah volcano (Flores, Indonesia) - because of increased seismicity alert status raised
    SEP 3 : Japan - This year's 600th explosive eruption was observed Saturday at Mt. Sakurajima
    SEP 2 - Quake-hit Iceland volcano Katla shows strengthening signs of eruption
    SEP 2 : Indonesia - Mt.Tambora volcano in Indonesia has been raised to level 2 alert
  6. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    Event: Earthquake
    Location: Canary-Islands (Esp.) Province of Las Palmas Agüimes


    Fears are growing that the El Hierro volcano in The Canary Islands could soon erupt after seismic activity beneath the island increased dramatically during Tuesday and Wednesday. Over 150 earthquakes were recorded on the smallest of the Canary Islands during Tuesday prompting officials to evacuate some local residents, shut El Hierro's main tunnel, and close local schools. At least 20 earthquakes, exceeding magnitude 3.0 on the Richter Scale, have been felt by local residents during the last 24 hours. The most recent earthquake, which measured 3.4 magnitude, was recorded just off the southern tip of the island at 07:04 am Wednesday. The rise in seismic activity last night prompted the Spanish Civil Guard (Guardia Civil) to advise almost 50 residents of the municipality of La Frontera to leave their homes because of landslide fears.

    Plans are also underway to evacuate more of the island's 10,000 residents, according to Canarias7.es. The newspaper reported that two units of the Spanish military's emergency intervention unit (EMU) will depart nearby island Tenerife this afternoon to assist in the possible evacuation of hundreds of El Hierro residents. Meanwhile, the island's main tunnel (Tunel del Golfo), which links Frontera to Valverde, has been shut forcing motorists to travel across the 280-sq-km island via a mountain road. The Cabildo de El Hierro also has ordered the closure of schools on Wednesday. Hierro, a shield volcano, has had a single historic eruption from the Volcan de Lomo Negro vent in 1793. The eruption lasted approximately one month and produced lava flows. The Canary Islands Government commenced an in-depth geological survey of El Hierro earlier this month in an effort to determine the source of an earthquake swarm. The Government raised the volcanic risk level to ‘Yellow' on Sunday, the highest alert status since an unprecedented earthquake swarm commenced in mid-July.

    The unprecedented seismic activity commenced on 19 July (the activity was first reported by iWeather Online on 26 July). In excess of 8,200 earthquakes have been recorded up to Wednesday, 28 September 2011. Up to last weekend, the majority of earth tremors ranged between 1 and 3 magnitude. However, the majority of quakes are now registering between 2 and 4 magnitude and are occuring at depth of 14-17 kilometres, according to the National Geographic Institute (IGN). Speaking to the El Pais newspaper, volcanologist Juan Carlos Carracedo suggested that an eruption on El Hierro would "not be a major surprise". He explained: "It is the youngest of the Canary Islands. There is a ball of magma which is rising to the surface and it is stationed at the limit of the earth's crust. At the moment we do not know if that ball of magna will break the crust and cause an eruption." IGN Director, María José Blanco said that any eruption on El Hierro would most likely have a "low explosion value". He added that an imminent eruption is unlikely. In the meantime, the frequent and increasingly intense earthquakes being felt throughout El Hierro are unlikely to appease the residents of and visitors to the tiny island.

    Earthquake swarms are events where a local area experiences sequences of many earthquakes striking in a relatively short period of time. The length of time used to define the swarm itself varies, but the United States Geological Survey (USGS) points out that an event may last for days, weeks, or months. El Hierro is situated in the most southwestern extreme of the Canaries. The island was formed after three successive eruptions, and consequent accumulations, the island emerged from the ocean as an imposing triangular pyramid crowned by a volcano more than 2,000 metres high.

    The volcanic activity, principally at the convergence of the three ridges, resulted in the continual expansion of the island. A mere 50,000 years ago, as a result of seismic tremors which produced massive landslides, a giant piece of the island cracked off, crashed down into the ocean and scattered along the seabed. This landslide of more than 300km3 gave rise to the impressive amphitheatre of the El Golfo valley and at the same time caused a tsunami that most likely rose over 100 metres high and probably reached as far as the American coast.

    According to the Global Volcanism Program, the massive Hierro shield volcano is truncated by a large NW-facing escarpment, seen here from the east, which formed as a result of gravitational collapse of the volcano. The steep-sided 1500-m-high scarp towers above a low lava platform bordering 12-km-wide El Golfo Bay, which is barely visible at the extreme left. Holocene cones and flows are found both on the outer flanks and in the El Golfo depression. The last eruption, during the 18th century, produced a lava flow from a cinder cone on the NW side of El Golfo.

    According to ElHierro.com: "Although over 200 years have elapsed since the last eruption, El Hierro has the largest number of volcanoes in the Canaries with over 500 open sky cones, another 300 covered by the most recent outflows, and some 70 caves and volcanic galleries, notably the Don Justo cave whose collection of channels surpasses 6km in length." El Hierro is located south of Isla de la Palma (population 86,000), currently the most volcanically active of the Canary Islands. About a half a million years ago, the volcano, Taburiente, collapsed with a giant landslide, forming the Caldera de Taburiente. Since the Spanish occupation, there have been seven eruptions.

    ความกลัวเริ่มเพิ่มขึ้น เมื่อภูเขาไฟ El Hierro ในแคนารี่ไอแลนด์ สามารถจะปะทุได้ทุกเมื่อ ซึ่งมีการสั่นไหวใต้เกาะได้เพิ่มขึ้นอย่างมากในวันอังคารและพุธ, มากกว่า 150 ครั้งได้ถูกบันทึกไว้สำหรับการไหวเล็กๆ ของแคนารี่ไอแลนด์ระหว่างวันอังคารทำให้เจ้าหน้าที่ได้อพยพชาวบ้านแถวนั้นบางส่วน และปิดอุโมงค์ El Hierro และปิดโรงเรียนแถวๆ นั้น แผ่นดินไหวอย่างน้อย 20 หนที่มากกว่า 3.0 ริกเตอร์ สามารถสัมผัสได้ในแถวๆ นั้นใน 24 ชั่วโมง และแผ่นดินไหวล่าสุดวัดได้ 3.4 ริกเตอร์ ถูกบันทึกไว้ที่ยอดเกาะประมาณ 7.04 น.วันพุธ

    การสั่นไหวที่ไม่คาดคิด ก็เกิดขึ้นในวันที่ 19 กรกฎา (เป็นครั้งแรกที่ถูกรายงาน โดย iWeather Online เมื่อ 26 กรกฎา)มากกว่า 8,200 ครั้ง ในการสั่นไหวที่ถูกบันทึกไว้ ถึง 28 กรกฎาคม 2011
    กิจกรรมของภูเขาไฟนี้ ที่การบรรจบกันของแนวสามสันเขาทำให้เกิดการขยายตัวของเกาะ มากกว่า 50,000 ปีที่ผานมา มีการเกิดการสั่นไหวแบบนี้และทำให้เกิดแผ่นดินถล่มอย่างรุนแรง ทำให้บางส่วนของเกาะแยกออกจากกัน และแผ่นดินมหึมาได้แตกและไหลลงทะเลไปยังก้นทะเล ดินถล่มกว่า 300 กม นี้ทำให้ เกิดการลดหลั่นของแผ่นดินที่น่าอัศจรรย์ ของ El Golfo Valley และขณะเดียวกัน ก็ทำให้เกิดซึนามิ ก็ประมาณสูง 100 เมตร และเป็นไปได้ที่จะถึงชายฝั่งตะวันออกของอเมริกา
    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 30 กันยายน 2011
  7. bebe9

    bebe9 Active Member

    13 กันยายน 2011
    รอคอยการแปล ค่ะ

  8. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top" width="100%">2011-09-30 03:42:37 - Volcano Eruption - Eritrea

    </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" width="100%">
    </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> <table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td width="25%">EDIS Code:</td> <td>VE-20110930-32489-ERI</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Date&Time:</td> <td>2011-09-30 03:42:37 [UTC]</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Continent:</td> <td>Africa</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Country:</td> <td>Eritrea</td> </tr> <tr> <td>State/Prov.:</td> <td>Danakil Desert, </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Location:</td> <td>Anabro (Nabro) volcano, </td> </tr> <tr> <td>City:</td> <td>
    </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> Not confirmed information!
    </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> <td align="right" width="440"> [​IMG] </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top"> Description: </td> </tr><tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top"> Nabro is an Eritrean volcano with NO historic eruption record. Satellite imagery suggests that the eruption of Nabro Volcano, which began in June 2011, continues. The volcano is located on the edge of the Danakil Desert, a remote and sparsely populated area on the border between Eritrea and Ethiopia, and few eyewitness accounts of the eruption are available. Orbiting instruments such as the Advanced Land Imager (ALI) aboard Earth Observing-1 (EO-1), which acquired these images, may be the only reliable way to monitor Nabro. The images show the volcano in false-color (first) and natural-color (lower second) on September 28, 2011. Heat from vents in Nabro’s central crater is visible as a red glow in the false-color image. Another hotspot about 1,300 meters (4,600 feet) south of the vents reveals an active lava flow. A pale halo surrounding the vents indicates the presence of a tenuous volcanic plume. South of Nabro’s crater, the dark, nearly black areas are coated with ash so thick it completely covers the sparse vegetation. On either side of this region is a thinner layer of ash with some bright green vegetation (exaggerated in false-color) poking through. In the natural-color image, the arid landscape is light brown where it is not covered by ash. The ash is black, while a fresh lava flow, spewed out in the last two weeks of June, is dark brown. More fresh lava flows surround the active vents. On either side of Nabro’s caldera, ephemeral streams have washed away the ash, leaving light-colored channels behind—a first sign of the erosion that will reshape, and eventually remove, what the eruption built.
  9. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    Indonesia: Anak Krakatau Raised To Highest Alert Status- Quakes Are Now Continuous, Warn Officials

    Viva News
    Sun, 02 Oct 2011 18:27 CDT

    [​IMG]© volcano.si.edu
    Gunung Anak Krakatau

    Indonesian officials have raised the status of one of its most dangerous volcanoes, Anak Krakatau, to a "standby" or level IV- the highest level.

    The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG), Surono said this is a rise in status that was set on Friday, September 30, 2011 evening at 24.00. The reason for the elevated status is because of the high-intensity level of earthquakes.

    Today, for example. "On October 2, 2011, at 00.00 until 12.00, there are 2745 recorded seismic events," said Surono, when he was contacted by VIVAnews.com, Sunday, October 2, 2011. Earthquakes under Mount Anak Krakatau, Surono added, were even felt all along the island of Anak Krakatau.

    "The swarm of tremors are continuous and although small, 2 on the Richter scale, they are cause for concern because they are felt constantly," he added. He explained, almost since 2007, Krakatau has been stirred by unrest. "In a moment, it stopped, and erupted in 2009. I think this mountain is always in danger of erupting," he added. - Viva News (translated)
  10. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top" width="100%">2011-10-04 03:09:14 - Volcano Activity - New Zealand

    </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" width="100%">
    </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> <table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td width="25%">EDIS Code:</td> <td>VA-20111004-32537-NZL</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Date&Time:</td> <td>2011-10-04 03:09:14 [UTC]</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Continent:</td> <td>Australia & New-Zealand</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Country:</td> <td>New Zealand</td> </tr> <tr> <td>State/Prov.:</td> <td>Northland, </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Location:</td> <td>Mount Ruapehu Volcano, </td> </tr> <tr> <td>City:</td> <td>
    </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> Not confirmed information!
    </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> <td align="right" width="440"> [​IMG] </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top"> Description: </td> </tr><tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top"> GNS Science says the volcanic alert level at Ruapehu remains at 1, despite the temperature of the crater lake rising towards conditions typical for an eruption. Skiers on the Whakapapa ski field in the central North Island have reported smelling hydrogen sulphide gas in recent weeks. Volcanologist Brad Scott says this is because the temperature of the crater lake is cooler, which tends to produce more gas. The latest Volcanic Alert Bulletin says the lake's temperature on 29 September was 17.6 degrees Celsius. In March, the temperature peaked at 41 degrees Celsius. Mr Scott says the lake is heading towards a temperature where volcanic activity typically occurs, but doesn't always. Ruapehu is an active volcano and future eruptions may occur with little or no warning. The eruption detection system on the mountain functioned well during a test last week, he says.

    การเตือนภัยของภูเขาไฟ Ruapehu ยังอยู่ในระดับ 1 ถึงแม้ว่าอุณหภูมิของปล่องภูเขาไฟจะสูงขึ้นซึ่งเป็นสัญญาณของการปะทุ คนเล่นสกีแถวนั้นได้กลิ่นแก๊สไฮโดรเจนซัลไฟล์ (กลิ่นพวกกำมะถัน) เค้าก็วิเคราะห์กันว่าอุณหภูมิของปล่องเย็นลงทำให้เกิดแก๊สมากขึ้น ครั้งสุดท้ายที่เตือน 29 กันยา วัดได้ 17.6 C ในเดือนมีนา 41 C นายScott บอกว่าทะเลสาปมุ่งหน้าไปทางอุณหภูมิที่มีการระเบิดของภูเขาไฟที่ปกติการปะทุเกิดขึ้น แต่ก็ไม่ใช่ทุกครั้ง ภูเขาไฟ Ruapehu เป็นภูเขาไฟที่ตื่นอยู่ และในอนาคตจะมีการปะทุเล็กๆ หรือไม่มีการเตือนล่วงหน้า ระบบตรวจจับการปะทุบนภูเขาก็ทำงานได้ดีระหว่างการทดสอบอาทิตย์ที่แล้ว เค้ากล่าว
    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 4 ตุลาคม 2011
  11. prapang

    prapang เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    5 ตุลาคม 2009
    เกิดอะไรขึ้นที่นิวซีแลนด์หรอคะ รบกวนคุณFalkman ช่วยแปลให้หน่อยนะคะ
    ลูก ๆ เรียนอยู่ที่นั่นน่ะค่ะ
  12. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top" width="100%">2011-10-04 05:39:57 - Volcano Activity - Indonesia

    </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" width="100%">!!! WARNING !!!
    </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> <table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td width="25%">EDIS Code:</td> <td>VA-20111004-32543-IDN</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Date&Time:</td> <td>2011-10-04 05:39:57 [UTC]</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Continent:</td> <td>Indonesian Archipelago</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Country:</td> <td>Indonesia</td> </tr> <tr> <td>State/Prov.:</td> <td>Sunda Strait, </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Location:</td> <td>Child of Krakatoa Volcano, </td> </tr> <tr> <td>City:</td> <td>
    </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> Not confirmed information!
    </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> <td align="right" width="440"> [​IMG] </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top"> Description: </td> </tr><tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top"> Authorities are warning tourists and fishermen to stay more than a mile (two kilometers) from a smoking Indonesian volcano known as "Child of Krakatoa." The volcano in the Sunda Strait, 80 miles (130 kilometers) west of the capital, Jakarta, was created by the same tectonic forces that led to the 1883 Krakatoa eruption that killed tens of thousands of people. Its "child," growing five yards (meters) a year, is now 1,320 feet (400 meters) tall and popular among hikers. Gede Suantika of the Center for Volcanology says the mountain's alert level was raised to the second-highest level last week after the number of volcanic tremors soared from 200 a day to 7,200. Suantika said Tuesday that he worries a powerful burst could shoot incandescent rocks down its slopes and far into the ocean.
  13. prapang

    prapang เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    5 ตุลาคม 2009
    นึกว่า แม่เองก็โดนน้ำท่วมที่ไทยจะแย่แล้ว:'( ลูกยังจะโดนภูเขาเขาไฟที่ต่างประเทศซะอีกแน่ะ
    โล่งอกไปนิ๊ดนึง นิ๊ดนึง
  14. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
  15. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    Volcanic activity list - September 2011 (updating everyday)

    SEP 30 : Costa Rica's Rincon de la Vieja Volcano Awakens
    SEP 29 : Eruption on Nabro volcano continues / Evidence of ongoing activity (satellite pictures)
    SEP 29 : National Geological Institute (IGN-Spain) graphic shows the massive surge of energy release at El Hierro
    SEP 29 : The Canary Islands government radio alert to all operators of the impending El Hierro volcanic eruption on the island 12 kilometers!
    SEP 29 : Italy, Etna volcano - 15th eruption of Mt.Etna
    SEP 28 : Canary islands, El Hierro volcano - Evacuation of smallest Canary Island begins after earthquake 'swarm' sparks fears of volcanic eruption / Risk of landslides
    SEP 27 : Iceland, Hamarinn volcano tremor signal
    SEP 27 : Japan, Sakurajima volcano - Daily eruptions continues
    SEP 26 : Japan, Sakurajima volcano - Shock wave move the clouds around the peak of the volcano.. followed by a moderate lava flow/ejection.
    SEP 26 : Canary Islands, El Hierro volcano - On alert for a possible volcanic eruption
    SEP 24 : Costa Rica, Poas Volcano - Incandescence of the lava dome
    SEP 23 : Philippines, 7 quakes rock Taal Volcano :
    SEP 23 : Tonga, Very strong shallow earthquake near Niuafo’ou volcano :
    SEP 23 : Canary Islands, Government raises alert level on El Hierro volcano to yellow :
    SEP 23 : Iceland, Skagafjörður volcanic zone - Seismic activity
    SEP 23 : Iceland, Earthquakes in Katla volcano, strong sulphur smell in Múlakvísl river
    SEP 23 : Hawaii, Kilauea volcano - lava level in the summit eruptive vent briefly rose a few meters overnight
    SEP 23 : Usa, Cleveland Volcano in Alaska Shows Signs of Eruption :
    SEP 22 : Indonesia, Lewotobi (Laki-laki) volcano - Because of increased activity alert level raised to level 2
    SEP 22 : Indonesia, Alert level raised for the mudflow spewing from an underground volcano in Sidoarjo after nearby dikes nearly failed.
    SEP 21 : Lethal super volcano ready for eruption
    SEP 21 : Hawaii, Kilauea volcano - New lava breakout at Pu’u O’o flows towards Royal Gardens
    SEP 21 : Iceland, New earthquake swarm in Katla volcano
    SEP 21 : Usa, Cleveland volcano - Volcano on Alaska's remote Aleutians oozes lava
    SEP 21 : Indonesia, Mt. Marapi - W.Sumatra volcano continues to expel smoke, dust
    SEP 20 : Mt. Tambora fear mounts....
    SEP 19 : Italy, Etna volcano - 14th paroxysm of SE crater in progress
    SEP 19 : Russia, Karymsky (Kamchatka) volcano spews ash again
    SEP 19 : Indonesia, Mt.Tambora - History’s deadliest volcano comes back to life in Indonesia, sparking panic among villagers
    SEP 18 : Japan, Sakurajima volcano - Eruption with heavy static discharge lightning
    SEP 18 : Usa, Cleveland volcano - Continued growth of the lava dome
    SEP 18 : Usa, Long valley caldera - Twenty-seven earthquakes in the past week
    SEP 17 : Seismic activity, Long valley caldera
    SEP 17 : Seismic activity, Campi Flegrei
    SEP 16 : Seismic activity, Yellowstone caldera
    SEP 16 : Iceland, Krýsuvík volcano - Land and water levels rise
    SEP 16 : Usa, Cleveland volcano - Two months of low-level eruptions could signal bigger problem to come
    SEP 15 : Volcanic eruptions drape Kagoshima in ash
    SEP 15 : Indonesia, Semeru volcano - 3-4 eruptions per day
    SEP 15 : Iceland, Katla volcano - More new tremor spikes in Katla volcano
    SEP 14 : Russia, Kamchatka Volcano - Powerful volcanic explosions
    SEP 14 : Hawaii, Kilauea volcano - Lava lake level rising as inflation progressed
    SEP 13 : Russia's Shiveluch volcano erupts, spews 10-km ash column
    SEP 13 : Russia, Satellite Images Highlight The Growth Of Russia’s Kizimen Volcano
    SEP 12 : Seismic tremors at Colombian volcanoes
    SEP 12 : Indonesia, Mt.Tambora - Three areas were emptied of community activities both wood seekers and tourists.
    SEP 12 : Iceland, Earthquake swarm in Öræfajökull volcano sparks interest
    SEP 12 : Philippines, Bulusan Volcano - Seismic activity and white steam was observed
    SEP 12 : Seismic activity, Philippines, Taal volcano
    SEP 11 : Indonesia, Mt.Tambora - Evacuation Plans Prepped as Mount Tambora Alert Level Is Raised
    SEP 10 : Iceland, Katla volcano - Two earthquake swarms during the night.
    SEP 9 : Indonesia - Papandayan Activity Continues to Increase
    SEP 9 : New eruption at Mount Etna sends lava down slopes, ash cloud
    SEP 9 : Indonesia - Mount Tambora alert status raised to Level 3
    SEP 9 : Seismic activity, misc.
    SEP 9 : More harmonic tremors in Katla volcano
    SEP 8 : Iceland, Katla volcano - Iceland’s Civil Protection Department has increased its monitoring of Katla, following increased seismic activity in the surrounding area
    SEP 7 : Iceland, Katla volcano - Magma on the move in Katla volcano / Increased geothermal heat and seismic activity might indicate an upcoming eruption
    SEP 7 : Alaska, Cleveland volcano - Remote Alaska volcano might erupt soon, experts say
    SEP 7 : Hawaii, Kilauea volcano - The summit lava lake rose slightly overnight at Pu`u `O`o crater sep 6 Iceland goes on alert as volcano Katla nears eruption
    SEP 6 : Mount Duokono North Halmahera erupted belching volcanic ash as high as 800 meters
    SEP 6 : Indonesia’s Mount Lokon erupts four times on Tuesday
    SEP 6 : Remote Alaska volcano resumes dome building, AVO raised the Aviation Color Code at Cleveland to ORANGE
    SEP 6 : Earthquake swarm in Krýsuvík volcano, Indonesia
    SEP 6 : Strong harmonic tremor pulse starting in Katla volcano
    SEP 6 : Seismic activity; Campi Flegrei caldera, W.Naples/Italy
    SEP 6 : Increased seismicity at Iceland's Katla has finally begun to show up in the mainstream media : Iceland volcano sees surge in seismic activity
    SEP 6 : Katla seismic activity continues - Growing harmonic tremor spike in Katla volcano
    SEP 5 : Seismic activity - Magnitude 6.6 eq struck N.W.of Toba supervolcano caldera
    SEP 5 : Earthquake swarm deep on the Reykjanes Ridge
    SEP 5 : More Seismic Activity by Katla Volcano than Usual
    SEP 4 : New harmonic tremors spikes in Katla volcano
    SEP 3 : Indonesia - Increased activity at 22 volcanoes, alert raised
    SEP 3 : Another earthquake swarm in Katla volcano, 3rd swarm in 6 days
    SEP 3 : Inflation starts in Katla volcano
    SEP 3 : Indonesia, Ranakah volcano (Flores, Indonesia) - because of increased seismicity alert status raised
    SEP 3 : Japan - This year's 600th explosive eruption was observed Saturday at Mt. Sakurajima
    SEP 2 - Quake-hit Iceland volcano Katla shows strengthening signs of eruption
    SEP 2 : Indonesia - Mt.Tambora volcano in Indonesia has been raised to level 2 alert

    Volcanic activity list - August 2011

    AUGUST 30 - Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano blasts out ash
    AUGUST 29 : Pakistan, Leepa Valley : Traces of a ‘smoking’ volcano, appearing in the famous picturesque Leepa Valley and adjacent Kayserkot rural belt confirmed by a team of geological experts
    AUGUST 29 : Ash thrown up by Russian Shiveluch volcano forces air traffic reroute
    AUGUST 29 : Magma plume: Mount Etna’s eruption intensifies in Italy
    AUGUST 29 : Mt Lokon erupts 12 times Sunday, Merapi spews out white cloud.
    AUGUST 28 : Eartquake swarm in Katla Volcano
    AUGUST 28 : California ancient volcano site rattled by swarm of tremors
    AUGUST 28 : Sakurajima Volcano - Massive explosion during eruption
    AUGUST 27 : TAAL VOLCANO BULLETIN, 27 August 2011, 8:00 A.M.
    AUGUST 27 : Chile's Caulle volcano in Puyehue mountain erupted early this morning
    AUGUST 26 : Nigerian authorities and France's Areva group have sent experts to investigate eruptions, smoke and fumes spouting from a mountain in the West Africa
    AUGUST 26 : Long Valley Volcanic Center Weekly Update issued Aug 26, 2011 19:09 :
    AUGUST 25 : El Hierro Earthquake Count Exceeds 4200
    AUGUST 24 : New signs of magma rising underneath El Hierro Volcano, Canary islands
    AUGUST 24 : Usgs finished monitoring system for Newberry volcano, Oregon
    AUGUST 24 : Seismic activity: Taal Volcano
    AUGUST 24 : Volcano agency warns: Mt. Papandayan volcano is in imminent danger of erupting
    AUGUST 22 : Katla volcano showing signs of increased seismic activity
    AUGUST 22 : Minor earthquake swarm in Öræfajökull volcano
    AUGUST 21 : Cleveland Volcano status update : a weak, 1-pixel thermal anomaly was observed in a recent satellite view

    AUGUST 21 : Kizimen Volcano generates more than 900 seismic tremors in last 24 hours
    AUGUST 21 : Kilauea Volcano - Lava reappeared in Pu`u `O`o crater,filled the lowest part of the crater floor
    AUGUST 20 : Papandayan Volcano - Residents feel higher temperatures near the crater
    AUGUST 20 : Etna erupted again / South-Eastern crater erupts for 3 hours
    AUGUST 20 : Seismic Activity, Caldera of Prestahnukur
    AUGUST 20 : Experts Keep An Eye On The Turrialba Volcano
    AUGUST 20 : Scientists expect new Kilauea activity
    AUGUST 17 : Indonesia's Mount Lokon volcano erupts again
    AUGUST 15 : Mt.Papandayan , Indonesia - Local government designates evacuation routes
    AUGUST 14 : E.Russia - Shiveluch volcano churns out more ash
    AUGUST 14 : Indonesia - Mount Soputan volcano erupts again
    AUGUST 14 : Mt.Papandayan - Indonesia has banned 1 mile region from the volcano craters to the tourists
    AUGUST 14 : Alaska - Cleveland Volcano could be gathering steam for a much more severe explosion
    AUGUST 13 : Indonesia - Mount Papandayan's Alert Level Raised
    AUGUST 12 : Eruptive activity of Etna volcano has restarted
    AUGUST 12 : Earthquake activity in Katla volcano increases again
    AUGUST 11 : Mt. Ibu Emits Thick Smoke
    AUGUST 10 : New Eruption Starts At Alaska’s Cleveland Volcano
    AUGUST 9 : Earthquake swarm north of Langjökull glacier and volcano, new hole found in Selfoss town
    AUGUST 9 : Seismic activity, Campi Flegrei ,Italy Naples
    AUGUST 8 : Indonesian volcano unleashes fresh burst
    AUGUST 7 : Volcano Eruption - Indonesian archipelago - Indonesia / West Sumatra
    AUGUST 7 : Fresh quake jolts Muko-Muko volcanoes on hightened alert
    AUGUST 7 : 18 Indonesian Volcanoes on Alert Status
    AUGUST 6 : Luminous lava lights up Sicilian town as Etna keeps on erupting
    AUGUST 5 : Seismic Activity , Laacher See ,Germany Rhineland-Palatinate
    AUGUST 4 : Seismic activity - Hekla volcano earthquake from early this morning
    AUGUST 4 : Seismic activity - Kikai Caldera ,Japan Osumi Islands, Kagoshima Prefecture
    AUGUST 4 : Alaska: New lava dome at Mt.Cleveland, alert level raised
    AUGUST 3 - 4 : Hawaii - Volcano spewed rivers of lava and crater collapsed
    AUGUST 3 : Russian Volcano Shows Signs Of Impending Eruption
    AUGUST 3 : Alaska officials watch volcano as lava dome grows
    AUGUST 2 : Satellite Image Shows Ash Plume Drifting From Krakatoa
    AUGUST 2 : Chile’s Puyehue-Cordón Caulle Continues To Spew Ash
    AUGUST 1 : Interesting earthquakes in Bárðarbunga volcano system
    AUGUST 1 : Lava Flow from Sciara del Fuoco, Stromboli , Italy
    AUGUST 1 : Fourth Time in a month - Sicily's Mount Etna erupts again
    AUGUST 1 : Flames soar 250m into the air as Mount Etna erupts for eighth time this year

    August - September Highlights:

    [​IMG]SEP 29 : Italy, Etna volcano - 15th eruption of Mt.Etna

    SEP 26 : Japan, Sakurajima volcano - Shock wave move the clouds around the peak of the volcano.. followed by a moderate lava flow/ejection.

    [​IMG]SEP 18 : Japan, Sakurajima volcano - Eruption with heavy static discharge lightning

    [​IMG]SEP 15 : Indonesia, Semeru volcano - 3-4 eruptions per day

    [​IMG]SEP 14 : Russia, Kamchatka Volcano - Powerful volcanic explosions

    [​IMG]SEP 13 : Russia's Shiveluch volcano erupts, spews 10-km ash column

    [​IMG]SEP 9 : New eruption at Mount Etna sends lava down slopes, ash cloud

    [​IMG]SEP 6 : Mount Duokono North Halmahera erupted belching volcanic ash as high as 800 meters

    AUGUST 29 : Ash thrown up by Russian Shiveluch volcano forces air traffic reroute

    [​IMG]AUGUST 28 : Sakurajima Volcano - Massive explosion during eruption

    [​IMG]AUGUST 27 : Chile's Caulle volcano in Puyehue mountain erupted early this morning

    Etna erupted again - AUGUST 20

    Indonesia's Mount Lokon volcano erupts again - AUGUST 17

    Mt.Soputan erupts again, Indonesia - AUGUST 14

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][​IMG][/FONT]
    Mt. Ibu Emits Thick Smoke, Indonesia - AUGUST 11

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

    [​IMG]Alaska's Cleveland volcano erupts - AUGUST 10


    Luminous lava lights up Sicilian town as Etna keeps on erupting - AUGUST 6

    Hawaii: Volcano spewed rivers of lava and crater collapsed - AUGUST 3-4

    [​IMG]Alaska: New lava dome at Mt.Cleveland, alert level raised - AUGUST 4

    [​IMG]Russian Volcano Shows Signs Of Impending Eruption - AUGUST 3

    [​IMG]Chile’s Puyehue-Cordón Caulle Continues To Spew Ash - AUG 2

    [​IMG]Flames soar 250m into the air as Mount Etna erupts for eighth time this year - AUG 1

    Volcano watch - Earth Changes and the Pole Shift
  16. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; " valign="top" width="100%">Situation Update No. 1
    Posted:2011-10-04, 05:38:01 [UTC]
    Ref.no.: VA-20111004-32543-IDN

    Situation Update No. 1
    On 2011-10-04 at 06:50:01 [UTC]

    Event: Volcano Activity
    Location: Indonesia Sunda Strait Child of Krakatoa Volcano
    Situation:Mount Anak Krakatau has seen quakes a thousand times. Its status has been elevated to "siaga" or alert level 3 on September 30, 2011. However, people settling near this mountain are advised not to feel anxious. "For the community in Banten beach and other areas close to Anak Krakatau, they may stay calm. No need to panic," Head of Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG) Surono told VIVAnews.com, on Monday. According to Surono, currently the new danger zone has been set to within two kilometers from the volcano. "We have shut down Mount Anak Krakatau. Do not go there yet," he said. Previously, based on observations from the monitoring post in Pasauran, Banten on Sunday, October 2, 2011, earthquake took place up to thousands of times. From 12am to 6pm Indonesian Western Time (WIB) as many as 4,291 volcanic earthquakes, deep and shallow, were recorded. Such seismic activities are categorized as high. Based on visual observation, there was no smoke or eruption. There was also no visible burst of incandescent materials either.
  17. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    Situation Update No. 8
    Posted:2011-08-24, 07:53:51 [UTC]
    Ref.no.: EQ-20110824-32077-SPI

    Situation Update No. 8
    On 2011-10-04 at 13:10:07 [UTC]

    Event: Earthquake
    Location: Canary-Islands (Esp.) Province of Las Palmas Agüimes

    Number of Evacuated: 10000 person(s)

    The Instituto Geografico Nacional (IGN) has reported surface deformations exceeding 35mm on the Spanish island of El Hierro, where residents have been alert for a possible volcanic eruption. The number of earthquakes recorded since July 17 on the smallest of The Canary Islands exceeded 9250 on Tuesday morning.

    IGN confirmed on Monday that 1172 earthquakes were recorded last week, the majority of which were located in the sea to the SW of the 280-sqkm island. 52 of the earthquakes were felt by the local population, estimated to be approximately 10,000. A further 10 earthquakes, exceeding 3.0 magnitude on the Richter Scale, were felt during Monday and early on Tuesday.

    Hierro, a shield volcano, has had a single historic eruption from the Volcan de Lomo Negro vent in 1793. The eruption lasted approximately one month and produced lava flows. The recent surge in the number and intensity of earthquakes prompted officials from the IGN and The Canary Islands Government to raise the alert level for the Hierro volcano to ‘Yellow’ late last month. Seismologists say the majority of the earthquake activity has shifted from El Golfo in the island’s northwest to beneath the Las Calmas Sea in the south.

    However, magma is now on the move upwards while the depth of earthquakes has become increasingly shallow in recent days with most being recorded at a depth of 10 to 14 kilometres.

    Movement of magma towards the surface signifies that a volcanic eruption is likely to happen, but the timing of such remains unclear. Volcanologist Juan Carlos Carracedo last week suggested that an eruption on El Hierro would "not be a major surprise".

    He explained: "It is the youngest of the Canary Islands. There is a ball of magma which is rising to the surface and it is stationed at the limit of the earth’s crust.

    At the moment we do not know if that ball of magna will break the crust and cause an eruption." IGN Director, María José Blanco said that any eruption on El Hierro would most likely have a "low explosion value". A dramatic rise in recorded earthquakes on El Hierro last Tuesday prompted officials to evacuate some local residents, shut El Hierro’s main tunnel, and close local schools. The Spanish Civil Guard (Guardia Civil) advised almost 50 residents of the municipality of La Frontera to leave their homes because of landslide fears. Two units of the Spanish military’s emergency intervention unit (EMU) were also placed on standby to depart the nearby island of Tenerife to assist in the possible evacuation of hundreds of other El Hierro residents.

    Meanwhile, the island’s main tunnel (Tunel del Golfo), which links Frontera to Valverde, was shut forcing motorists to travel across the 280-sq-km island via a mountain road. The Cabildo de El Hierro also ordered the closure of schools on Wednesday. El Hierro is situated in the most southwestern extreme of the Canaries. The island was formed after three successive eruptions, and consequent accumulations, the island emerged from the ocean as an imposing triangular pyramid crowned by a volcano more than 2,000 metres high. The volcanic activity, principally at the convergence of the three ridges, resulted in the continual expansion of the island. A mere 50,000 years ago, as a result of seismic tremors which produced massive landslides, a giant piece of the island cracked off, crashed down into the ocean and scattered along the seabed. This landslide of more than 300km3 gave rise to the impressive amphitheatre of the El Golfo valley and at the same time caused a tsunami that most likely rose over 100 metres high and probably reached as far as the American coast.

    According to the Global Volcanism Program, the massive Hierro shield volcano is truncated by a large NW-facing escarpment, seen here from the east, which formed as a result of gravitational collapse of the volcano.

    The steep-sided 1500-m-high scarp towers above a low lava platform bordering 12-km-wide El Golfo Bay, which is barely visible at the extreme left. Holocene cones and flows are found both on the outer flanks and in the El Golfo depression. The last eruption, during the 18th century, produced a lava flow from a cinder cone on the NW side of El Golfo. According to ElHierro.com: "Although over 200 years have elapsed since the last eruption, El Hierro has the largest number of volcanoes in the Canaries with over 500 open sky cones, another 300 covered by the most recent outflows, and some 70 caves and volcanic galleries, notably the Don Justo cave whose collection of channels surpasses 6km in length." El Hierro is located south of Isla de la Palma (population 86,000), currently the most volcanically active of the Canary Islands. About a half a million years ago, the volcano, Taburiente, collapsed with a giant landslide, forming the Caldera de Taburiente. Since the Spanish occupation, there have been seven eruptions.

    จับตาภูเขาไฟในสเปนนี้ดีๆ เคยปะทุมาแล้ว ทำให้แผ่นดินแตกแผ่นใหญ่ เกิดซึนามิเป็น 100 เมตร ไปยังชายฝั่งตะวันออกของอเมริกา
  18. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top" width="100%">2011-10-16 18:05:41 - Volcano Eruption - Russia [Asia]

    </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" width="100%">!!! WARNING !!!
    </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> <table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td width="25%">EDIS Code:</td> <td>VE-20111016-32715-RUS</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Date&Time:</td> <td>2011-10-16 18:05:41 [UTC]</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Continent:</td> <td>Asia</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Country:</td> <td>Russia [Asia]</td> </tr> <tr> <td>State/Prov.:</td> <td>Kamchatka Peninsula, </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Location:</td> <td>Mt. Shiveluch Volcano, </td> </tr> <tr> <td>City:</td> <td>
    </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> Not confirmed information!
    </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> <td align="right" width="440"> [​IMG] </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top"> Description: </td> </tr><tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top"> Reports speak of a violent volcanic eruption of Mount Shiveluch on Russia’s Far Eastern Kamchatka Peninsula. Smoke and ash from the volcano have climbed to 10 kilometres, sparking no-fly warnings for the surrounding area. Snow around the crater is rapidly melting, creating mudslides. Shiveluch supports a caldera of 1.5 kilometres in diameter. Its current activity period started in 1980
  19. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    Event: Volcano Eruption
    Location: Canary-Islands (Esp.) Island of El Hierro Underwater volcano (unnamed)

    Two new volcanic eruptions were confirmed on Wednesday near Spain's El Hierro island in the Canaries, where 500 people spent another night outside their homes after being evacuated as a precautionary measure. "I confirm the existence of two points of volcanic eruption at El Hierro," Laura Otero, a spokeswoman for the local authorities, told AFP, adding that there were dead fish and a strong odor of sulfur at both sites. The head of emergency services in the Canaries, Juan Manuel Santana, said in a statement that "the two points are located at two nautical miles and 1.5 miles southwest of (the village of) La Restinga". The first eruption occurred at a depth of 2,300 feet and the other at a depth of 655 feet. He said the eruptions "resulted in two stains on the sea surface where there are dead fish and a strong odour of sulfur." Some 500 residents and tourists were evacuated from the village of La Restinga as a precautionary measure on Tuesday after a 4.3-magnitude quake the previous day, the first volcanic euption in the Canaries in 40 years. Monday's eruption was detected 3 miles from the island at a depth of between 1,640 and 3,940 feet beneath the sea. Experts had said the eruption would not be felt on the island. Most of the evacuees have found refuge with relatives or friends in other villages on the island. But dozens of others, mostly tourists, spent the night in a student dormitory and a local gym. Pointing to "uncertainty over the coming days", authorities said in a statement that they were keeping Restinga on "red alert", while the rest of the island remained on yellow alert, one notch lower. "It is recommended to exercise caution," said Paulino Rivero, head of the Canaries administration. But he said people would be able to return to their homes under the protection of civil safety officials to retrieve medicines or clothes. Rivero said scientists had noticed no significant changes since Tuesday afternoon. El Hierro, which means iron in Spanish, is the smallest of Spain's Canary Islands, located in the Atlantic off the coast of Morocco. Perched atop an ancient volcano, the island of Hierro has undergone some 10,000 tremors since July 19, the vast majority of them not felt by its 11,000 residents. The last volcanic eruption on the Canary Islands was on nearby La Palma in 1971.

    พบภูเขาไฟใต้ทะเล 2 ลูกตรงหมู่เกาะแคนารี่ปะทุ ทำให้คนจำนวน 500 คนต้องอพยพจากบ้านตัวเอง

    ปล.ติดตาม ตรงนี้ดีๆ
  20. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    Situation Update No. 3
    Posted:2011-10-14, 03:35:04 [UTC]
    Ref.no.: VE-20111018-32735-SPI

    Situation Update No. 3
    On 2011-10-22 at 18:36:32 [UTC]

    Event: Volcano Eruption
    Location: Canary-Islands (Esp.) Island of El Hierro Underwater volcano (unnamed)

    Situation: Residents of the village of La Restinga on the island of El Hierro were allowed on Saturday to return to their homes,as the risk of a volcanic eruption subsides. Although the stain in the sea caused by sulphur emitted by the underwater volcano off the coast of the most westerly of the Spanish controlled Canary Islands now surrounds much area of the island, indicators point to the eruption losing strength.

    As a result the residents of La Restinga, the village closest to the site of the eruption began to return to their homes on Friday night. They had previously been allowed to make only a brief return to their houses in order to collect essential possessions. The permission to allow the residents to return to their village, which has an economy based on tourism and fishing, comes in the wake of explanations by Spanish scientists on Thursday. Carmen Lopez, of the Spanish National Geographic Institute and Joan Marti of the Board of Scientific Investigation said that the eruption was less powerful than first predicted. Early predictions had spoken of a four stage eruption resulting in magma expelled to the surface creating a new island. That now looks a remote possibility after Lopez said indicators such as the strength and depth of earth tremors have been falling and there has been an overall decrease in seismic activity. Marti was more cautious and said that although it could be that an eruption with various phases could still happen, there was no evidence to show that it was the case in El Hierro. He said event will eventually turn out to be an underwater eruption like many others in the region, which is situated close to a fault line in the Atlantic Ocean. Scientists will now continue to monitor the situation until readings return to the normal levels seen until July when seismic activity was first detected.

