"Buddhist Meditation Guidance For The Foreigners"

ในห้อง 'Buddhist Meditation' ตั้งกระทู้โดย MayBuddhaBlessYou, 18 เมษายน 2011.

  1. MayBuddhaBlessYou

    MayBuddhaBlessYou เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    9 กันยายน 2009

    Dear all friends,

    Yesterday I asked for some helped from my meditation teacher which he is a really great about meditation of Buddhist.He has lots of his student classes with different races and career such as the doctor,business peoples,workers,poor and rich peoples and much more.They came from different countries like USA,Finland,Singapor and mostly from Thailand.

    I have asked him for helping us,If you interested in meditation ,please don’t hesitate to asked him right away.He will glad to help you all.

    Please visit website which I just created yesterday.

    �й��Ըա�÷���Ҹ�ӵ��Ẻ��оط���ʹ� ����Ѻ��ǵ�ҧ�ҵ� "Buddhist Meditation Guidance For The Foreigners" [Engine by iGetWeb.com]

    Thanks for your kind attention.

  2. supatorn

    supatorn ผู้สนับสนุนเว็บพลังจิต ผู้สนับสนุนพิเศษ

    14 กรกฎาคม 2010
    Mindfulness $15.00.jpg
    $15.00 (4.5 Stars)
    Mindfulness With Breathing : A Manual for Serious Beginners Paperback – June 15, 1988
    by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu (Author),‎ Santikaro Bhikkhu (Translator)
    Any practitioner, after meditating for some time, inevitably wonders what meditation method the historical Buddha Shakyamuni himself used while beneath the Bodhi Tree. Many people understand that prior to his realization, Shakyamuni Buddha studied with many of the great yogis of his time, but most do not know what method he ultimately found leads most directly to nirvana. In Ajahn Buddhadasa Bhikkhu's book, Mindfulness With Breathing, the Thai meditation master provides practitioners with penetrating insights into the Anapanasati Sutta, the canonical text which many believe is the most direct transmission of Shakyamuni Buddha's breath meditation methods. Combined with a concise translation of the sutta itself, Mindfulness with Breathing is one of the best guides to Buddhist meditation practice available in the English language.

