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ในห้อง 'ภัยพิบัติและการเตรียมการ' ตั้งกระทู้โดย Falkman, 7 ตุลาคม 2006.

  1. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005
    Israel news, all the latest and breaking Israel news - Telegraph

    Israel News

    The latest and breaking news from Israel including the conflict in Gaza.

    Latest Israel News

    Israeli jets 'bombed weapons factory in Khartoum', Sudan claims

    Israeli jets bombed a weapons factory in Khartoum, the Sudanese regime alleged on Wednesday, after an explosion tore through the facility in the south of the capital.
    24 Oct 2012

    Israel refuses to rule out Gaza ground operation following rocket attacks

    Israel refused to rule out launching a repeat of its 2008 ground operation in Gaza after days of cross-border violence escalated with an intense barrage of rocket fire onto Israeli territory.
    24 Oct 2012

    Gaza militants killed after rocket fire on Israel

    Rockets and mortars from the Gaza Strip pummeled southern Israel early today and an Israeli airstrike killed at least two Palestinian militants, in a sharp escalation of violence following a landmark visit to Gaza by Qatar's emir.
    24 Oct 2012

    Gaza strip and Israel exchange heavy fire


    Rockets and mortars from the Gaza Strip pummelled southern Israel early today and an Israeli airstrike killed a Palestinian militant, in a sharp escalation of violence following a landmark visit to Gaza by Qatar's emir.
    24 Oct 2012

    Israelis 'favour discrimination against Arabs'

    A majority of Israeli Jews favour introducing discriminatory policies against the country's Arab population and would support an "apartheid" system in the West Bank if it were ever annexed, an opinion poll has shown.
    23 Oct 2012

    Qatari emir in landmark visit to Gaza

    Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani arrived in the Gaza Strip in the first visit by a head of state since the Islamist Hamas movement took over in 2007.
    23 Oct 2012

  2. ภัยพิบัติ

    ภัยพิบัติ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    25 ตุลาคม 2012

    วอชิงตัน 25 ต.ค. - นายคิม ควาน จิน รัฐมนตรีกลาโหมเกาหลีใต้ กล่าวในการแถลงข่าวว่า เกาหลีเหนือเตรียมการทดลองนิวเคลียร์รอบใหม่หลังทดสอบไปเมื่อปี 2549 และปี 2552

    นายคิมกล่าวในการแถลงข่าวกับนายลีออน พาเนตตา รัฐมนตรีกลาโหมสหรัฐ ว่า เกาหลีเหนือเตรียมการทดสอบนิวเคลียร์หนนี้มานานแล้ว และหากมีโอกาสพร้อมเมื่อใดก็จะทดลองนิวเคลียร์เป็นครั้งที่สาม อย่างไรก็ตาม รัฐมนตรีกลาโหมเกาหลีใต้ยังคงพยายามที่จะโน้มน้าวให้เกาหลีเหนือกลับเข้าสู่การเจรจา 6 ฝ่าย เพื่อล้มเลิกโครงการอาวุธนิวเคลียร์ของเกาหลีเหนือซึ่งระงับไปตั้งแต่เมื่อปี 2551 และว่ารัฐบาลใหม่ภายใต้นายคิม จอง อึน ดูมีความแน่นอนมากกว่า หลังพยายามปฏิรูปเศรษฐกิจและปรับปรุงชีวิตความเป็นอยู่ของประชาชน แต่ยังต้องรอดูกันต่อไป ขณะที่นายพาเนตตากล่าวว่า สหรัฐจะยังคงยึดมั่นต่อการรักษาเสถียรภาพบนคาบสมุทรเกาหลีต่อไปด้วยการคงกำลังทหารไว้ในเกาหลีใต้ .- สำนักข่าวไทย

  3. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005

    Defense Minister Confirms Iran Fired on U.S. Drone

    Published: November 9, 2012

    TEHRAN — Iran’s defense minister on Friday confirmed that Iranian warplanes had fired shots at an American drone last week, but said that they had taken the action after the unmanned aircraft had entered Iranian airspace.

    The assertions by the defense minister, Brig. Gen. Ahmad Vahidi, were the first acknowledgment from Iran that the episode had occurred. He spoke less than 24 hours after the Pentagon first disclosed the shooting, involving two Iranian jet fighters and the American aircraft, a Predator surveillance drone, during what American officials described as a routine surveillance mission on Nov. 1 in international airspace over the Persian Gulf.

    It was the first time that Iranian aircraft had been known to fire at an American drone, one of the many ways that the United States has sought to monitor developments in Iran over more than three decades of estrangement between the two countries. The United States said it had protested the shooting via the American interests section at the Swiss Embassy in Tehran, and had warned the Iranians that the drone flights would continue.

    Political risk analysts noted that the firing had taken place days before it was clear whether the American elections would be won by President Obama or his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, who was far more hawkish than Mr. Obama in his public criticism of Iran during the campaign. Some said the episode may have been meant by the Iranians as warning message regardless of the outcome of the election. “The early November incident was probably an attempt by Iran to intimidate the next U.S. administration and gain leverage in future diplomacy,” said Cliff Kupchan, an Iran specialist at the Eurasia Group, a consulting firm in Washington.

    American officials said the Predator had been flying 16 nautical miles off the Iranian coast. General Vahidi asserted the episode took place in Iranian airspace but did not specify where.

    General Vahidi’s version of events also differed with the Pentagon’s in another way: He said the two Iranian planes, which the Pentagon had identified as Russian-made Su-25 jets known as Frogfoots, belonged to the Iranian Air Force. The Americans had said the planes were under the command of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, which has a history of more aggressive behavior than the conventional air force and navy.

    In one of Iran’s most brazen confrontations with the West, in March 2007, Revolutionary Guards seamen seized 15 British sailors and marines in disputed waters in the Persian Gulf and held them captive for nearly two weeks before President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had them released, in what he called a magnanimous gesture of Iranian compassion.

    General Vahidi, whose account of the drone episode was reported by the Iranian Labor News Agency and other media outlets, said that last week an unidentified plane had entered Iranian airspace over its territory in the Persian Gulf. He said the intruder had been “forced to escape,” after action by Iran’s Air Force.

    It is unclear why Iranian officials had kept the episode a secret. It also is unclear, from the Iranian account, whether the warplanes had sought to down the drone and missed, or had fired warning shots.

    A lawmaker, Mohammad Saleh Jokar, a member of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of Iran’s Parliament, also said the American aircraft had trespassed. “Early last week, a U.S. drone which had violated Iran’s airspace received a decisive response by the armed forces that were stationed in the region,” he said in a Friday interview with the Young Journalist Club, a semiofficial Iranian news agency. He said the drone had “entered our country’s airspace with an aim to gather information because there is no other justification.”

    The Predator’s sensor technology is so sophisticated that it could have monitored activities in Iran from the distance cited by the Pentagon officials.

    The Iranian firing on the aircraft had been completely legal, Mr. Jokar said. “Any violation against Iran’s airspace, territorial waters and land will receive a strong response by the Islamic republic of Iran,” he said.

    Two commanders also gave interviews on Friday emphasizing Iran’s right to defend itself. “Defenders of the Islamic republic of Iran will give a decisive response to any air, land and naval attacks,” the deputy commander of Iran’s armed forces, Massoud Jazayeri, told the Fars News Agency, which is headed by a former officer of the Revolutionary Guards. “If any foreign flying objects enter our country’s airspace, the armed forces will confront them,” he said.

    Another officer, the commander of the Khatam al-Anbiya Air Defense Base, told the state Islamic Republic News Agency that his forces were able to counter “all threats.”

    A possible confrontation in the Persian Gulf could present new obstacles in efforts to make progress on resolving the dispute over Iran’s nuclear program, the most intractable issue in Iran’s difficult relations with the West. But in what appeared to be a sign of possible progress, the International Atomic Energy Agency announced Friday that it was resuming negotiations with Iran regarding inspector access to sensitive Iranian sites, aimed at resolving questions about whether Iran had engaged in nuclear weapons development work.

    The agency said in an announcement that it was sending negotiators to Tehran on Dec. 13, the first such meeting since August. An agency spokeswoman, Gill Tudor, said in an e-mail to news agencies that the purpose of the talks was “to conclude the structured approach to resolving outstanding issues related to Iran’s nuclear program.”

    Thomas Erdbrink reported from Tehran, and Rick Gladstone from New York.


    After attack on U.S. drone, Iran backs right to defend territory

    By Barbara Starr, CNN Pentagon Correspondent
    November 9, 2012 -- Updated 1512 GMT (2312 HKT)

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    Washington (CNN) -- Iran said it took "decisive" action after a U.S. drone entered Iranian airspace in the Persian Gulf last week, a commander said.

    "Iran will use all its capabilities, including the relevant international agencies, to follow up on this case," Maj. Gen. Ahmad Vahidi said Friday, according to Iran's semi-official news agency ISNA.

    The Pentagon said two Iranian jets fired on an unmanned U.S. Air Force drone last week. But the United States said the firing happened over international waters on November 1.

    The Iranian action triggered a formal warning by the United States to Iran through diplomatic channels.

    Iranian jets fire on U.S. drone
    Israel mending fences with Obama
    Israel's Ayalon on Iran
    Iran fires on unarmed U.S. drone

    The warning came after two Iranian Su-25 fighter jets fired on an unarmed Predator drone conducting routine surveillance in international airspace east of Kuwait, 16 miles off the coast of Iran, Pentagon press secretary George Little told reporters Thursday following CNN's report.

    Read more: U.S. targets Iranian human rights violators

    The drone was not hit, and it returned under its own power to its base, he said.

    Little stopped short of calling the incident an act of war.

    "I'm not going to get into legal labels. The reality is that we have a wide range of options, as I said before, to protect our assets and our forces in the region, and we'll do so when necessary," he said.

    "The United States has communicated to the Iranians that we will continue to conduct surveillance flights over international waters, over the Arabian Gulf, consistent with longstanding practices and our commitment to the security of the region."

    Little said the warning was delivered through Swiss diplomats who have acted on behalf of U.S. interests in Iran since Washington and Tehran cut ties in 1980.

    Read more: Unclear whether Iran shot down drone, a U.S. official says

    "Our aircraft was never in Iranian airspace. It was always flying in international airspace. The recognized limit is 12 nautical miles off the coast, and we never entered the 12-nautical mile limit," he said.

    The Obama administration did not disclose the incident before the presidential election.

    Three senior officials confirmed the details to CNN on Thursday. The three spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive intelligence nature of the matter.

    Two of the officials said the fighter jets belonged to Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps force, which has been more confrontational than regular Iranian military forces.

    At least two bursts of gunfire came from the Su-25s' cannons, they said. The drone started to move away, but the Iranian aircraft chased it, doing aerial loops around it before breaking away and returning to Iran.

    The drone's still and video cameras captured the incident, showing the two Su-25s approaching and firing their onboard guns, the officials said.

    The Iranian pilots continued to fire shots that went beneath the Predator but never hit it, according to the officials.

    U.S. military intelligence analysts are still not sure if the Iranian pilots simply were unable to hit the drone because of a lack of combat skill, or if they deliberately missed and didn't intend to bring it down.

    But as one of the officials said, "It doesn't matter; they fired on us."

    Little said the United States has to assume that Iran was trying to bring down the Predator.

    Before Vahidi confirmed the action, another Iranian commander, Maj. Gen. Seyed Masoud Jazaeri, commented on the reports of the incident.

    "The armed forces will respond decisively to any act of transgression," he said, according to the semi-official Fars News Agency.

    "If any foreign planes try to enter our country's space, our armed forces will confront it," he was quoted as saying. "The defenders of the Islamic republic will give a decisive response to navy air, land or naval attacks."

    CNN's Chelsea J. Carter contributed to this report.

    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 10 พฤศจิกายน 2012
  4. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005
    WW3 : Iran to conduct massive War Games in preparation for war with Israel (Nov 08, 2012)


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    Published on 8 Nov 2012 by SignsofThyComing

    News Articles:

    Iran claims it will hold 'massive' air defense drills over weekend

    Iran to Hold Air Defense Drill in Country's East

    Iran to hold air defence drill

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    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005
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    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005

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    Uploaded by WARSWITHIRAN on 4 Aug 2011

    THIS SATELLITE CARRIER ROCKET WILL BE EASILY CONVERTED TO AN INTERCONTINENTAL BALLISTIC MISSILE (I.C.B.M.) VERY SOON. ----------------- http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/tehranbureau/2011/01/missiles-and-war... --------------------- Missiles and Warheads: Where Could Iran Deliver a Bomb?

    International concern -- and diplomacy -- over Iran's nuclear program have focused largely on Tehran's growing abilities to enrich uranium, a process essential for both peaceful nuclear energy and to make a bomb. But a second key issue is the Islamic Republic's ability to actually deliver the world's deadliest weapon if it decides to make a bomb.

    Here are four essentials to know about Iran's ballistic missile program:

    Is Iran capable of striking the United States with a ballistic missile?

    No. Iran has focused its attention on developing short- and medium-range missiles capable of reaching targets throughout the Persian Gulf and Israel, which is about 600 miles (1,000 km) away. The Ghadr-1 -- a modified version of the No-dong missile Iran purchased from North Korea -- is Iran's longest-range, operational missile. It can deliver a warhead to roughly 1,000 miles (1,600 km). The Sajjil-2 is expected to fly about 1,200-1,400 miles (2,000-2,300 km). However, the Sajjil will not be ready for military use until it completes several more years of testing.

    There is no evidence to suggest that Iran is actively developing an ocean-spanning, intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of reaching America's east coast, more than 5,400 miles (9,000 km) away. If Iran decides to develop the capacity to threaten the United States, a decade or more of technology development and testing will be needed to create a combat ready ICBM.

    But didn't an unclassified Defense Department report say that Iran could have an ICBM by 2015?

    The April 2010 Department of Defense report to Congress said, "With sufficient foreign assistance, Iran could probably develop and test an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of reaching the United States by 2015." The key words are "develop and test." The report does not say Iran will have an operational ICBM by 2015. Iran could conduct a preliminary, proof-of-concept test of a missile capable of reaching the United States in 2015. The technology demonstrator would likely be relatively unsophisticated, cumbersome, and unreliable. And if Iran wanted to transform the missile into a military asset, it would have to be submitted to a lengthy testing program to verify its reliability and operational readiness.

    Flight-test programs in other countries rarely take fewer than three years, most take longer. Iran is no different. Recent testing programs for the Shahab-3 and Ghadr-1 lasted five years each, and they were much simpler systems. Consequently, Iran is unlikely to field an operational ICBM before 2020.

    Is Iran's space program a cover for the development of long-range ballistic missiles?

    Iran has an ambitious space program, to be sure, and is making steady progress toward its officially stated goal of launching a man into space within a decade. In early 2008, Iran placed a small satellite into earth orbit using the domestically developed, two-stage Safir space launcher. Last year, with great fanfare, Tehran unveiled a much larger satellite carrier rocket, the Simorgh, whose maiden voyage of is scheduled for February or March 2011. Still larger launchers are almost certainly on the drawing boards of Iran's space agency.

    The technologies used to launch satellites can also be used to develop ballistic missiles, so there is good reason to be concerned about Iran's space activities. The Simorgh, for example, could in theory be converted into an intermediate-range missile capable of reaching most of Europe from Iranian territory.

    Space launcher and ballistic missiles are founded on similar technologies, but there are many fundamental differences between the two systems. For starters, space launchers are normally prepared for flight over a period of many weeks, components and sub-systems can be checked and verified before launch, and the mission commander can wait for ideal weather before initiating the countdown. And if during the countdown an anomaly is encountered, the launch can be delayed, the problem fixed and the process restarted. Think of how many times a Space Shuttle launch has been delayed for one reason or another.


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    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 11 พฤศจิกายน 2012
  7. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005
    Iran Military Introduces New Laser Guided Missile - Irã Lança Mísseis Antitanques Guiados a Laser

    <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/20qmIH-U7bk?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


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    Iran military power could destroy Israel in less than 10 days

    <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZJXw4JgekSw?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 11 พฤศจิกายน 2012
  8. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005
    Iranian Air Defence Systems

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  9. ZZ

    ZZ เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    19 เมษายน 2005
    How the coming World War 3 will develop in 2012.flv

    <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/q8X7nEi_a8o?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Uploaded by time2alert on 22 Feb 2012

    Latest addition must watch: Israel will attack Iran by the end of 2012 - Verichip ready by March 2013 at [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbUp5y9yniU"]Israel will attack Iran by end of 2012 - Verichip ready in March 2013.flv - YouTube[/ame]

    Part 9 - Urgent, this is the last days ! fallen bishops, hhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHHNlUp57r8

    From Daniel, Ezekiel, NT, it is clearly shown that in the last days, World War 3 will be started by the king of the South represented by Israel or Egypt. When Israel attack the king of the North represented by Iran (head of the former Persian empire), then all hell will break loose.
    After the 4th Seal is opened, 1/4 of all mankind will be killed by wars with the deployment of WMD, greatest earthquakes ever with subsequent extremely huge tsunamis, pestilences and famines.

    The end is at hand. The 4th Seal was opened on the 3rd February 2011, in the midst of riots in Cairo, Egypt. Be ready to face the coming prophecies as recorded in OT, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Revelation, etc. before the opening of the 5th Seal (The period of the Great Tribulation) and then the 6th Seal (Rapture).

    Seek the Almighty God for His guidance, helps, protection, etc. through Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.

    I thank God that all these warning and events are found in the Holy Bible. We only need to obey God's will and Jesus' teachings and He will be our Protector, Comforter, Provider, etc. but most of all our Father, Amen.

    1st Seal fulfilled in 1993
    2nd Seal fulfilled in 1994
    3rd Seal fulfilled in 1997
    4th Seal opened on 3rd. February 2011
    Awaiting fulfillment soon Part 11 - When will WW3 begin ? [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsA19xGP56Q[/ame]

    For better understanding of end time mysteries, see the following series

    2011 Strange signs 01 - 5000 Deadbirds fell from sky
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGJM3KnZHfI"]2011 Strange Signs 01 - 5000 Deadbirds fell from sky.flv - YouTube[/ame]
    Fulfillments of Prophecies Pt01 - 1st Seal White Horse
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfkSOlDMzKQ"]Fulfillment of Prophecy 01 - Seal 1 White Horse.flv - YouTube[/ame]
    Coming World War 3 Pt01 - When will Israel attack Iran ?
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDosZON75Hs"]World War 3 Pt.1 - Will Israel attack Iran?.flv - YouTube[/ame]
    Signs of Jesus' Coming Pt01 - Do not be deceived
    Events after Rapture Pt01 - Wars in heaven
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7giFn3-SDrU"]Events after Rapture 01 - Wars in Heaven.flv - YouTube[/ame]

    See all end time videos

    Further clarification http://www.time2alert.com

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  10. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    Alert: Nuclear Test In Nevada This Week, Code Name “POLLUX”, Condemned By Iran, Japan
    Saturday, December 8, 2012 8:34

    Iran has strongly condemned the US for carrying out a nuclear test in Nevada this week, saying the move threatens world peace and shows a hypocritical set of double standards set by Washington when it comes to nuclear research.

    The Iranian Foreign Ministry said the Wednesday detonation proves that US foreign policy relies heavily on the use of nuclear weapons, disregarding UN calls for global disarmament, PressTV reports.

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    The experiment also drew criticism from Japan, with Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui wondering why the Obama administration carried out the test, despite saying he would “seek a nuclear-free world.”

    The United States subcritical nuclear test conducted in Nevada reflects a contradictory policy on the issue of nuclear disarmament and proliferation, an expert tells Press TV.
    The test, known as Pollux, was conducted in the US state of Nevada on Wednesday to ensure that Washington “can support a safe, secure and effective stockpile” of nuclear weapons.

    The test proves that the US “could use nuclear weapons anytime,” said Hirotami Yamada, who heads the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Survivors Council.


    On Friday it was announced that the Nevada National Security Site had successfully detonated plutonium in a deep shaft Wednesday to test the safety and effectiveness of US nuclear weapons, National Nuclear Security Administration officials said.

    The Pollux subcritical experiment was carried out by scientists at the Los Alamos, New Mexico national laboratory and the Sandia National Laboratories and involved a tiny sample of plutonium bomb material.

    Subcritical nuclear experiments have been conducted in the US since 1997 in order to help scientists understand how plutonium ages in the stockpile.

    They use chemical explosives to blow up bits of nuclear materials designed to stop just short of erupting into a nuclear chain reaction, also known as a criticality.

    The latest test used new diagnostic equipment that enabled researchers to collect more data then ever before.



    “This is a significant diagnostics advancement,” Darwin Morgan, spokesman for the Nevada National Nuclear Security Site, was quoted as saying by the Las Vegas Review Journal.

    Officials claimed that the test was carried out to provide for the secure storage of nuclear warheads.

    International inspectors were not allowed to witness the experiment, as Washington has prevented access to its test site since the late 1990s.

    Wednesday’s test is twenty-seventh American “subcritical experiment” since full-scale nuclear weapons tests were halted in 1992.
  11. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    They Are Getting Ready: “No Obvious Reason” For Why China Is Massively Boosting Stockpiles of Rice, Iron Ore, Precious Metals, Dry Milk

    รัฐบาลจีนกำลังเตรียมพร้อมอะไรอยู่หรือเปล่า "ไม่มีเหตุผลที่สนับสนุนอย่างชัดเจน" สำหรับทำไมรัฐบาลจีนถึงได้สะสมเสบียง สะสมข้าว แร่เหล็ก และวัตถุล้ำค่า, นมผง?

    Mac Slavo
    January 9th, 2013

    อ่านต่อ They Are Getting Ready: "No Obvious Reason" For Why China Is Massively Boosting Stockpiles of Rice, Iron Ore, Precious Metals, Dry Milk

    If there were ever a sign that something is amiss, this may very well be it.

    United Nations agricultural experts are reporting confusion, after figures show that China imported 2.6 million tons of rice in 2012, substantially more than a four-fold increase over the 575,000 tons imported in 2011.

    The confusion stems from the fact that there is no obvious reason for vastly increased imports, since there has been no rice shortage in China. The speculation is that Chinese importers are taking advantage of low international prices, but all that means is that China’s own vast supplies of domestically grown rice are being stockpiled.

    Why would China suddenly be stockpiling millions of tons of rice for no apparent reason?

    Perhaps it’s related to China’s aggressive military buildup and war preparations in the Pacific and in central Asia.

    If a 400% year-over-year increase in rice stockpiles isn’t enough to convince you the Chinese are preparing for a significant near-term event, consider that in Australia the country’s two major baby formula distributors have reported they are unable to keep up with demand for their dry milk formula products. Grocery stores throughout the country have been left empty of the essential infant staple as a result of bulk exports by the Chinese.

    A surge in sales of one of Australia’s most popular brands of infant formula has led to an unusual sight for this wealthy nation: barren shelves in the baby aisle and even rationing of baby food in some leading retail outlets.

    We’d be more apt to believe the Chinese were panic-buying baby formula had the Chinese milk scandal occurred recently. The problem is that it happened four years ago. Are we to believe the Chinese are just now realizing their baby food may be tainted?

    In addition to the apparent build-up in food stocks, the Chinese are further diversifying their cash assets (denominated in US Dollars) into physical goods. In fact, in just a single month in 2012, the Chinese imported and stockpiled more gold than the entirety of the gold stored in the vaults of the European Central Bank (and did we mention they did this in one month?).

    Their precious metals stockpiles have grown so quickly in recent years that Chinese official holdings remain a complete mystery to Western governments and it’s rumored that the People’s Republic may now be the second largest gold hoarding nation in the world, behind the United States.

    We won’t know for sure until the official disclosure which will come when China is ready and not a moment earlier, but at the current run-rate of accumulation which is just shy of 1,000 tons per year, it is certainly within the realm of possibilities that China is now the second largest holder of gold in the world, surpassing Germany’s 3,395 tons and second only to the US.

    But the Chinese aren’t just buying precious metals. They’re rapidly acquiring industrial metals as well.

    Spot iron prices are up to an almost 15-month high at $153.90 per tonne. The rally in prices, which started in December 2012, is mainly due to China’s rebuilding of its stockpiles as the Asian giant gears to boost its economy, which in turn, could improve steel demand.

    The official explanation, that China is preparing stockpiles in anticipation of an economic recovery, is quite amusing considering that just 8 months ago Reuters reported that China had an oversupply, so much so that their storage facilities had run out of room to store all the inventory!

    When metals warehouses in top consumer China are so full that workers start stockpiling iron ore in granaries and copper in car parks, you know the global economy could be in trouble.

    At Qingdao Port, home to one of China’s largest iron ore terminals, hundreds of mounds of iron ore, each as tall as a three-storey building, spill over into an area signposted “grains storage” and almost to the street.

    Further south, some bonded warehouses in Shanghai are using carparks to store swollen copper stockpiles – another unusual phenomenon that bodes ill for global metal prices and raises questions about China’s ability to sustain its economic growth as the rest of the world falters.

    Now, why would China be stockpiling even more iron (and setting 15 month price highs in the process) if they had massive amounts of excess inventory just last year?

    Something tells us this has nothing to do with an economic recovery, or even economic theory in terms of popular mainstream analysis.

    Why does China need four times as much rice year-over-year? Why purchase more iron when you already have a huge surplus? Why buy gold when, as Federal Reserve Chairmen Ben Bernanke suggests, it is not real money? Why build massive cities capable of housing a million or more people, and then keep them empty?

    It doesn’t add up. None of it makes any sense.

    Unless the Chinese know something we haven’t been made privy to.

    Is it possible, in a world where hundreds of trillions of dollars are owed, where the United States indirectly controls most of the globe’s oil reserves, and where super powers have built tens of thousands of nuclear weapons and spent hundreds of billions on weapons of war (real ones, not those pesky semi-automatic assault rifles), that the Chinese expect things to take a turn for the worse in the near future?

    The Chinese are buying physical assets – and not just representations of those assets in the form of paper receipts – but the actual physical commodities. And they are storing them in-country. Perhaps they’ve determined that U.S. and European debt are a losing proposition and it’s only a matter of time before the financial, economic and monetary systems of the West undergo a complete collapse.

    At best, what these signs indicate is that the People’s Republic of China is expecting the value of currencies ( they have trillions in Western currency reserves) will deteriorate with respect to physical commodities. They are stocking up ahead of the carnage and buying what they can before their savings are hyper-inflated away.

    At worst, they may very well be getting ready for what geopolitical analyst Joel Skousen warned of in his documentary Strategic Relocation, where he argued that some time in the next decade the Chinese and Russians may team up against the United States in a thermo-nuclear showdown.

    Hard to believe? Maybe.

    But consider that China is taking measures now, in addition to their stockpiling, that suggest we are already in the opening salvos of World War III. They have already taken steps to map our entire national grid – that includes water, power, refining, commerce and transportation infrastructure. They’re directly involved in hacking government and commercial networks and are responsible for what has been called the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world. Militarily, the PRC has been developing technology like EMP weapons systems, capable of disabling our military fleets and the electrical infrastructure of the country as a whole, and has been caught red-handed manufacturing fake computer chips used in U.S. Navy weapons systems.

    If you still doubt China’s intentions and expectations, look to other governments, including our own, for signs that someone, somewhere is planning for horrific worst-case scenarios:

    The Russians have scheduled 5,000 underground bunkers for completion this year.
    Europe rapidly designed, built and stocked the so-called Doomsday Seed Vault in Svalbard, Norway, which contains tens of thousands of varieties of seeds and is supposed to preserve them in the event of Armageddon style events like asteroid impacts or nuclear war.
    The United States government has been stockpiling tens of millions of emergency meals and other supplies and regionalizing their emergency distribution centers across the country (curiously, those supplies never made it to Hurricane Sandy victims)
    The government has purchased nearly 2 billion rounds of ammunition in the last few years.
    The Pentagon has been Actively War Gaming ‘Large Scale Economic Breakdown’ and ‘Civil Unrest’
    China recently made a call, through their Xinhua news agency, for the complete disarmament of the American population (Behind every blade of grass…)

    Perhaps there’s a reason why former Congressman Roscoe Bartlett has warned, “those who can, should move their families out of the city.”

    As Kyle Bass noted in a recent speech, “it’s just a question of when will this unravel and how will it unravel.”

    Given how similar events have played out in history, we think you know how this ends.

    It ends through war.

    Governments around the world are stockpiling food, supplies, precious metals and arms, suggesting that there is foreknowledge of an impending event.

    Should we be doing the same?
  12. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    North Korea confirms 'successful' nuclear test

    North Korea has confirmed that it has carried out its third nuclear test, after international monitors detected seismic activity close to the nation's nuclear test site.

    The North Korean regime said it had "successfully" detonated a miniaturised nuclear device with "greater explosive force" in an underground test.
    "A third nuclear test has been successfully staged," the state-run Korean Central News agency said.
    "The nuclear test was conducted as part of measures to protect our national security and sovereignty against the reckless hostility of the United States that violated our republic's right for a peaceful satellite launch," KCNA said.
    The confirmation came after monitors in Seoul, Japan and the US detected an "artificial quake" at 11:57am Korean time (02:57 GMT).

  13. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    “โอบามา” ลั่นพร้อมคุ้มกันแผ่นดิน “ญี่ปุ่น” ด้วยระบบป้องกันนิวเคลียร์
    โดย ASTVผู้จัดการออนไลน์
    14 กุมภาพันธ์ 2556 09:29 น.

    ประธานาธิบดี บารัค โอบามา แห่งสหรัฐฯ ยืนยันจะใช้ระบบคุ้มกันนิวเคลียร์ (nuclear umbrella) ของสหรัฐฯปกป้องญี่ปุ่นจากการโจมตีของเกาหลีเหนือ

    เอเอฟพี - ประธานาธิบดี บารัค โอบามา แห่งสหรัฐฯ ยืนยันเจตนารมณ์อันแน่วแน่ที่จะปกป้องญี่ปุ่นจากภัยคุกคามต่างๆ รวมถึงป้องกันการโจมตีด้วยอาวุธนิวเคลียร์ หลังจากที่เกาหลีเหนือทดลองระเบิดนิวเคลียร์ครั้งที่ 3 ไปเมื่อ 2 วันก่อน ทำเนียบขาวแถลง

    โอบามาต่อโทรศัพท์ถึงนายกรัฐมนตรีชินโสะ อาเบะ เพื่อหารือวิธีการตอบโต้ “พฤติกรรมยั่วยุที่ถือเป็นการฝ่าฝืนพันธกรณีที่เกาหลีเหนือมีต่อประชาคมโลกอย่างร้ายแรง”

    เกาหลีเหนือสร้างความขุ่นเคืองแก่มหาอำนาจทั่วโลกด้วยการทดลองระเบิดนิวเคลียร์ในช่วงสายของวันอังคาร (12) ซึ่งเป็นอีกครั้งที่มติคณะมนตรีความมั่นคงแห่งสหประชาชาติที่สั่งห้ามเกาหลีเหนือทดลองนิวเคลียร์แลดูไร้ความหมาย

    ผู้สังเกตการณ์ในสหรัฐฯ และเกาหลีใต้ ระบุว่า การจุดระเบิดนิวเคลียร์ใต้ดินครั้งนี้มีความรุนแรงยิ่งกว่าที่เกาหลีเหนือเคยทดลองในปี 2006 และ 2009

    โอบามา และอาเบะ ต่างยืนยันจะรวมพลังคว่ำบาตรเกาหลีเหนือตามคำสั่งของยูเอ็น

    “ผู้นำทั้งสองให้สัญญาว่าจะร่วมมือกันอย่างใกล้ชิดในคณะมนตรีความมั่นคงยูเอ็นเพื่อหาแนวทางรับมือปัญหาเกาหลีเหนือ และจะใช้มาตรการต่างๆ ที่มีเพื่อยับยั้งโครงการนิวเคลียร์และขีปนาวุธพิสัยไกลของเกาหลีเหนือ” ทำเนียบขาวระบุ

    ขณะเดียวกัน เจ้าหน้าที่กระทรวงการต่างประเทศญี่ปุ่นก็แถลงว่า “ผู้นำสหรัฐฯ และญี่ปุ่นพร้อมทำงานร่วมกัน เพื่อให้เป็นไปตามมติคว่ำบาตรล่าสุดของยูเอ็น”

    ทำเนียบขาวเผยด้วยว่า ประธานาธิบดีโอบามา “ยืนยันว่าสหรัฐฯ ยังมีเจตนารมณ์แน่วแน่ที่จะปกป้องอธิปไตยของญี่ปุ่น รวมถึงการให้ระบบคุ้มกันอาวุธนิวเคลียร์ (nuclear umbrella) ของสหรัฐฯ เอง

    ทั้งนี้ นายกฯ อาเบะ มีกำหนดเดือนทางเยือนสหรัฐฯ เพื่อหารือกับ โอบามา อีกครั้งในปลายเดือนนี้

    อาเบะยังได้โทรศัพท์ถึงประธานาธิบดีอี มย็องบัก แห่งเกาหลีใต้ เมื่อวานนี้ (13) ซึ่งทั้งคู่ตกลงจะขยายมาตรการคว่ำบาตรเกาหลีเหนือให้หนักหน่วงยิ่งขึ้น

    สมาชิกคณะมนตรีความมั่นคงแห่งสหประชาชาติ รวมถึงจีนซึ่งเป็นมหามิตรเพียงชาติเดียวของเกาหลีเหนือ ออกแถลงการณ์ประณามการทดลองระเบิดนิวเคลียร์เมื่อวันอังคาร (12) พร้อมชี้ว่าเปียงยางกำลังละเมิดมติยูเอ็นอย่างร้ายแรง ขณะที่โอบามาก็ให้สัญญาระหว่างแถลงนโยบายประจำปีในวันเดียวกันว่า สหรัฐฯ จะใช้มาตรการแข็งกร้าวตอบโต้พฤติกรรมยั่วยุของเกาหลีเหนือ


    Around the World - Manager Online - “โอบามา” ลั่นพร้อมคุ้มกันแผ่นดิน “ญี่ปุ่น” ด้วยระบบป้องกันนิวเคลียร์

